Summer School enrollment begins May 28, 2024. Classes starts July 1- August 2, 2024 Monday- Thursday; 8:30am- 12:30 pm . Please register your students $150 per class for in district students and $200 per class for out of district students.
Transportation is provided.

Ecorse High School Families we wish all the Mothers and Mother figures a joyous Mother's Day, we appreciate all that you do for our students

Tomorrow Friday May 10, 2024 is a Professional Development Day and no school for Students, School resumes Monday May 13, 2024.

College and Career Fair tomorrow at 10:00am-12:00pm, National Honors Society Students please wear your shirts.

Ecorse Community Schools received a $50,000 grant from the Margaret Dunning Foundation to support their Automotive Technology Program

Please join us for College & Career Day

When hard work pays off!
Our Valedictorian and Salutatorian were gifted by local business owner and Ecorse High alumni Justin Moore of Motivated Clothing and Apparel...
Thank you Justin...
Stay "Motivated" Aniyah and A'Nyla..
It's a great day to be a Raider!

Good evening Ecorse High School families, Thursday, 4/18/24 11th graders will take the SAT test. No school for 9th, 10th, and 12 graders.

Good evening Ecorse High School families, Wednesday ,4/17/24 is a half day of school. Thursday, 4/18/24 11th graders will take the SAT test. No school for 9th, 10th, and 12 graders.

1/2 day of school tomorrow, 11th graders will take ACT Work Keys Test. Parent Teacher Conference is at 12:00 - 5:30pm.

Tomorrow is a full day of School and we PSAT test for the 10 th graders

Ecorse High School staff and Students tomorrow is a full day of school and the the 9 th graders will be PSAT testing.

Good afternoon Ecorse Families, Senior Pinning is Tomorrow April 5, 2024 at 6pm at the High School. This is for Seniors and 2 parents/guardians only.

Good afternoon Ecorse Families, school resumes tomorrow April 1st. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

Good evening Ecorse Family, There is no school 3/25-3/31 for Spring break. School resumes on Monday 4/1. Have a safe break.

Dear Ecorse Families, please join us tomorrow at 1:30 pm for our Honors Ceremony and Fafsa night at 5:00 pm

Dear Ecorse Families, Please join us This Thursday for our Honors Assembly at 1:30pm and FAFSA Night 5:00pm for our Seniors and Parents, we will have refreshments and give aways. Parents please attend with your children.

Good evening Ecorse Families, tomorrow March 20, 2024 it is an early dismissal for students at 11:15am

Black History Month

National Wear Red Day for Heart Awareness